Monday, April 20, 2009

The world in 1800- Differences between Colombia and England

2/A/ What country do you think that has more natural resources: Colombia or England?
Answer: I think that Colombia and England have many natural resources, but they are of different types. For example, in Colombia you can find resources that come from nature and all the biodiversity that Colombia has, like: coffee, bananas, rice, potatoes, gold, cotton, sugar cane, oil, and others. While in England the resources you can find are more technology, scientific and educational, like: hydroelectric, thermal electricity, cattle, oil, natural gas and other things.
The following pictures are from England.

B/ Why do you think and what are the reasons which explain why Colombia didn't develop in science and technology as like in England?
Answer: England developed in science and technology, because they had a privileged location, a good climate, energetic resources, flat terrains and navigable rivers. Colombia didn't have all these geographical advantages and England had many wars, so they needed a lot of technological and scientific resources, and Colombia didn't have many wars. In Colombia there were many slaves, so they just thought in doing their duties and surviving. The following pictures are from Colombia.

3/ Make a short essay in which you say what should be done to develop the science and technology?
Answer: I think that in Colombia the poverty affects a lot the country, because many people doesn't have access to a good education, so almost anybody has the privilege of studying science or technology. If Colombia improves that situation and reduces the violence, everyone would have access to a good education, so then Colombia can associate or ally with a country which has these advantages and become a very important country when talking about science and technology, because of the natural resources that Colombia already has.

This work was done by one of our authors, David Rodríguez Arbeláez.

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